APUS Online and Chill: Games Night

Join APUS for another session of Online and Chill: Games Night Edition!  We’ll be playing Code Names, a two team guessing game where each team is trying to find their field agents without exposing their opposition. The goal of the game is for your team to find all your field agents – and avoid the[…]

Upcoming APUS Annual General Meeting!

UPDATE: Our Annual General Meeting has been rescheduled for October 23, 2020 via Zoom! Please register here: https://forms.gle/ZQ8fjd91VgSW4vXG6 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a way for the APUS membership to get involved in the decision-making processes of their union. At the AGM, you can review APUS finances, vote in the Board of Director Elections,[…]

APUS Fall/Winter 2020-2021 Bursary Program Now Open!

IMPORTANT NOTE: The APUS Fall/Winter Bursary Program 2020-2021 is currently being run virtually. All completed application forms must be emailed to [email protected] by the deadline.  Recognizing that part-time students face barriers to accessing funding from governmental and institutional programs, APUS bursaries are available to part-time undergraduate students on all three campuses of the University of[…]

APUS Orientation Events Fall 2020

Get to know APUS — Join us for one of our many Orientation events coming up this month! Please note registration is required for all events. Please see the Facebook events or websites for more details. We look forward to meeting you! APUS Part-Time and Mature Student Orientation: September 25 & 26, 12 -2pm. Facebook event:[…]

APUS Long-Term Laptop Loan Program

Are you a part-time student who needs access to a laptop in order to complete your assignments and exams this semester? APUS has a limited number of laptops to loan to current part-time students who do not have access to a personal computer and require one to complete their Fall semester courses. We introduced the APUS[…]

APUS COVID-19 Services Survey

COVID-19 has presented us with unique and unprecedented circumstances on campus.  We require your feedback and thoughts to continue to provide you with services and resources in an effective and accessible way during the Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 academic year. Are you registered as a part-time student for Fall and/or Winter? If yes, please[…]