March 26, 2020

COVID-19 Updates


UPDATES – April 2023

APUS office is closed pending air quality and air circulation testings and phone line installation. 

Check back monthly for more information.  APUS’ physical Sid Smith location is currently closed during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

APUS continues to be fully available online and remote. APUS is committed and working hard to reopen more and more of the physical spaces and increase in-person offerings, with health and safety first and foremost for our students and staff. 

This page will be updated with minimum monthly status updates. Please continue to check back here for additional updates. 


The pandemic is not yet over. The pandemic taught us much about how to care for each other and keep each other safe. At APUS, we are long-time advocates on issues of accessibility and health and safety. 

Our membership includes part-time undergraduate students like you, and includes a higher proportion of students with disabilities, student parents, mature students, and caregivers to the elderly – communities that have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic and health risks. We make decisions with our members in mind, and health and safety for all. 

Students have been underserved by government and schools through the pandemic, including when only the minimum safety precautions are met or go unmet, in a business-case rush to reopen. APUS continues to lobby our institutions for increased health and safety of students and workers. As such APUS champions health and safety for its members and staff, and we are proud to hold ourselves to a higher safety threshold. Students will model the way. 

Yes, that means we are working hard to develop APUS’ pandemic planning and protocols. Yes, that deliberate process means reopening plans can move slower than we’d like. Yes, we miss filling our physical spaces with all of you too. 

We are committed to applying best practices learned throughout the pandemic, and following due process, so that as we increasingly open up our physical spaces and in-person offerings – we do so with safety confidence. Safety plans you can trust. 

APUS programming continues online. Check listings to attend; or connect in-person through pop-up events and tabling.  

Printing services are temporarily on hold due to space.

Prayer space is temporarily unavailable due to space.

We will continue to post updates. We thank you for your understanding and patience. 

Questions on APUS closures and impact can be sent to [email protected] 

General APUS questions can be sent to: [email protected]