The Association of Part-time Undergraduate Students (APUS) represents all part-time undergraduate students across all three campuses of the University of Toronto. We strive to ensure that part-time undergraduate students have access to the full range of programs, services and resources at the University of Toronto in order to improve the quality of the part-time undergraduate educational experience. We endeavour to ensure that the rights of all part-time students are respected, provide services, programs and events, and represent the voices of part-time undergraduate students across the University and to all levels of government. We are fundamentally committed to the principle of access to education for all.
APUS services and programming include:
- APUS Health & Dental Plan
- APUS Bursary Program
- APUS Student Study Space and Lounge
- APUS Prayer Space
- 5 cent Printing Service
- Academic Support Workshops & Advocacy
- Financial Aid Workshops for Part-Time Students
- Lunch & Learn Career Workshops
- Tax Clinics
- Take a Break: Mental Health Programming
- Safer Communities, Safer Campus Workshops